Monday, March 6, 2017

A Promising Start - An Introduction to Our Foundation Portfolio

I used to be an avid blogger back in the late 2000s when I thought the entire world would immensely benefit from my posts about Webkinz stuffed animals. And yet, here we are, the year 2017, and somehow, I am back to where I was in elementary school.

This time around, however, my return coincides with my AICE Media Studies Foundation Portfolio. Truth be told, I have never felt as excited about a project since... well, honestly, I loathe group projects. The remark may seem contradictory, especially since I decided I would not only work with one partner, but with three other people (a crazy decision for a perfectionist like myself). However, I want to push my boundaries both at an interpersonal level (considering the skill to be vital in virtually every single career field) and at a creative level.

My first thoughts originated back in October when we finalized our commitment to either a film opening or magazine. I immediately gravitated towards the magazine option. Writing has always been a strong suit of mine and I didn't know much film jargon back then to feel confident in creating a film opening. 

While the class was discussing their initial thoughts, I had realized that three of the classmates around me all decided to do a magazine. We all toyed around the idea with an unconventionally-themed magazine, such as a men's fashion magazine. All of us liked the idea so much that it felt wrong for one of us to the claim the idea as our individual work. So, Camila, Nikki, Iggy and I all figured:

"Why don't we just all work together?"

And the rest is history!

That is, until, March 6 rolled around.

Analyzing the situation, it would seem as if coming up with a genre with all of our contrasting personalities would be difficult. But this wasn't the case (at first).

Yet, as the school year progressed, the group all discovered something quite profound: we are all extremely different. I am what they consider the "artsy" one since I love to write short stories and poetry, plus analyze film and literature. 

So, by March, the initial men's fashion magazine that got us so excited back in the beginning of the year seemed to have waned in its luster. 

Now back to square one, we have created a quick brainstorm for topic ideas:
  1. Food (an interest we all share)
  2. Travel 
  3. Anthropology 
  4. Dogs (as a non-dog owner, I find this topic to be quite difficult to dedicate a whole magazine to)
  5. Art
We will have to wait until Wednesday, March 8, to discuss further and to narrow down to one topic. It seems to me that we seem to be leaning more towards an anthropology magazine, yet nothing is set in stone. Finding the middle ground, even with some sacrifices here and there, is but just the beginning. Here's to compromise and promising beginnings!

Until then,

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