Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Here is my CCR reflecting on creating POLARIZE! Thank you for coming along on this journey with me. See you next year, A Level!


Here is the final product! I am extremely proud of all the hard work I put into POLARIZE and I am so excited to finally be able to show what I have been working on. Enjoy!

Friday, April 7, 2017

Bonus Pictures!

I can't help myself; so many good pictures were taken for this magazine that could simply not fit into the magazine, but I just need to show them off. Here are some bonus outtakes for POLARIZE: Color Craze:

Vanity (2017)
Flower Child (2017)

Indulge (2017)

Sun Rays (2017)


I cannot believe I have come this far.

Undertaking the grueling task of making an original magazine was no easy feat whatsoever, but here I am, five weeks later, and I can add "Magazine Extraordinaire" on my resume (well, not quite).

The magazine is complete, and I am proud to say that I went over the maximum pages required (two double-page spreads!!). I am overall extremely pleased with the results, and finishing a couple days early will leave me some time to work on perfecting my CCR.

Now, it is cliche, but I couldn't do this without the help of so many people. I will like to thank my group members (Nikki, Camila, and Iggy) for working so hard with me and giving me advice/criticism. I would also like to thank Fabi for being my model for the magazine, and Sarah for posing in front of the camera for me (I gave both of you guys very Instragram-worthy photos in return). Thank you to Cassie for lending me her lights for the photo shoots. Thank you to anyone who ever gave me advice throughout this project, and cheered me on whenever I excitedly showed them the process.

Stay tuned - POLARIZE: Color Craze is coming soon....

Until then,

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The End is Nigh!

I am so, so proud of the progress I have been making so far these past couple of weeks. Since I took multiple photo shoots, I have a slew of options to choose from for my "Featured Photographer" double-page spread, which I intend to add multiple double-page spreads to add more dimension to the magazine.

Today in class, my group and I finalized our table of contents. I think the contents design, which is consistent throughout all four editions, will really tie the separate issues of POLARIZE together.

The only difference between each contents page is the color palette; the colors we choose are designed to hone into our respective themes. For my main color, I chose blue, which is known as "the world's favorite color". Considering my theme is simply "colors", after all, I found focusing in on the world's favorite color to be appropriate.

Additionally, I worked after school at Panera with Nikki, one of my group members. Together, we each worked on our respective editions, insuring that our magazines looked cohesive. Working side-by-side proved really beneficial rather than working on our own at home because together we were able to choose fonts and make sure text aligned properly. We were also able to give each other constructive criticism while each maintaining our own sense of independence within our issue.

Here's a sneak peek of the table of contents:

Everything is coming up roses, and I'm ready for it all to come together!!

Until then,

Wright, Angela. "Psychological Properties of Colours." Colour Affects, 
     www.colour-affects.co.uk/psychological-properties-of-colours. Accessed 4 
     Apr. 2017

Monday, April 3, 2017

More and More to the Portfolio!

Oh, Week 5. Has it already been that long since we started this journey?
So close to the end, yet there is still so much work to be done.

For starters, since my last update on the reassignment of Featured Photographer from Cassie to me, a good chunk of Saturday was spent working on Joomag, creating the magazine.

Iggy, a fellow group member, met up at my house to work together on constructing our issues. Since I had already made my cover, he looked onto mine as a guide when he made his own issue so that the covers looked cohesive (you can see the finished product soon enough). 

Since I am now the "Featured Photographer", I decided to add more to my portfolio. I invited my friend Sarah over and decided to break out the lights yet again! Here are some of the results:

Sarah ft Iggy
Yawning? Singing? Hidden metaphor? I love photography.
We got some progress done on the table of contents as well, but I'll expand more on that the next blog post with (hopefully) the final product!

Until then,