Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Contesting Contents

During Week 3, our group went back and forth on different kinds of layouts for the table of contents. Since last week's ultimate goal was getting photos for the cover/featured pictures, we didn't focus too much on the contents page until now.

We composed several kinds of contents layouts, as shown below:

I: I came with the idea of having six photos that reflected each color of the rainbow as it pertained to a specific segment of the magazine, but our group decided against it since it would not fit as cohesively with the rest of the themes as it does mine.

II: This contents page is another picture-heavy approach with minimal text, however, since we don't have the resources to take pictures that would relate to the wide range of topics each edition covers (from featured photographer to location feature), we decided against it.

III/IV: The two similar content pages both employ a double-page spread layout, with the left page concerning the actual content versus the right showcasing a photo that pertains to the theme. Within the boxes, there will be a sneak-peek photo, which the number will overlay, directing the reader to that page of the issue to find a specific section. We want the photos to be the main stars, not the text, so minimal words was key. Having the "contents" bar background color complementing the adjacent photo would also be a continuing feature between all four editions. Since we have different themes, having similar layouts will add yet another cohesive feature (besides the cover) to distinctively mark our issues as part of the POLARIZE brand.

There is still more to come, and I am so excited to see the final product soon!!

Until then, 

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